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Length 54 inches / 137.16 cms
Width 53 inches / 134.62 cms
Height 50 inches / 127 cms

Go Heavy, Go Independent With Best Plate Loaded ISO Lateral Mid Row

The Plate Loaded ISO Lateral Mid Row machine is a helpful equipment in gyms for building back muscles. This machine works by allowing users to pull weights towards themselves while seated, mimicking a rowing motion. It targets specific muscles on each side of the back, promoting balanced strength development. Using this machine regularly can improve posture and reduce the risk of back injuries by strengthening the muscles that support the spine. It's user-friendly, as individuals can adjust the weight according to their strength levels. Incorporating this part of Plate-loaded Free Weight Strength Series into a workout routine can enhance overall back strength and muscle tone, contributing to a healthier and more resilient body.

Experience The Benefits of Plate Loaded ISO Lateral Mid Row

Plate loaded ISO lateral mid row machines offer several benefits for strength training and muscle development:

  • These machines allow for targeted muscle isolation, specifically targeting the muscles involved in mid-row movements such as the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles. 
  • The ISO lateral design of these machines ensures balanced development of strength on both sides of the body. 
  • With commercial gym equipment, users can easily adjust the resistance by adding or removing weight plates. 
  • These machines provide stability during exercises, reducing the risk of injury compared to free weight exercises that require more balance and coordination. 
  • This can help in preventing plateaus and keeping workouts challenging and effective.
  • Beginners can start with lighter weights and gradually increase resistance as they progress.
  • Using these machines can be more time-efficient than performing similar exercises with free weights, as there is no need to spend time loading and unloading plates onto barbells or dumbbells. 

Trusted Plate Loaded ISO Lateral Mid Row Machine Manufacturer in India

Nortus Fitness is one of the most trusted manufacturers of Plate Loaded ISO Lateral Mid Row Machines in India. Due to their low maintenance requirements, flawless performance, high efficiency, and guaranteed quality, these products are in high demand in the market. These attributes have enabled us to outpace our competitors in terms of quality, innovative technology, and ethical business practices.

Let us Discuss Your Project

Do you have a commercial gym where you want to install gym equipment and related products? Allow us to serve you better with our experienced services.


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